With Love from Leap of Joy

From everyone here at Leap of Joy, we'd like to wish you a happy Valentine's Day!
We would like to take a moment to say how much we love each and every one of you! Your continued support of our teachers, staff and our mission means so much to us; we simply could not do it without you! Thank you so much!

Winter Amplify Austin is Coming!

This year, Leap of Joy  will be participating in Amplify Austin Day! What is Amplify Austin? Focusing specifically on local Austin charities, it's 24 hours of giving within the community. We're very proud and excited to be a part of this amazing event this year, and sincerely hope that you will consider us. Every little bit helps us liven and enrich the lives of at-risk children in the community!

Bonus: Tito's Handmade Vodka is pairing with Leap of Joy to bring even more oomph to Amplify Austin! For every donation that adds #LoveTitos upon checkout, Tito's will add $5!
Pledge Now
Now Announcing!
Riding on the tail end of Amplify Austin Day is Eclectic Magic, a one-night community talent show featuring all sorts of local artists! It is going to be a BLAST! All proceeds from the show go directly to Leap of Joy, to help us bring theater and dance to at-risk kids in the community. Drinks provided by Shade Tree Lemonade and others! We hope to see you there!

The show is Friday, March 1, 2019 from 8-10 P.M.
Located at: First Street Studio
2400 East Cedar Chavez Street
Austin, TX 78702

A Note from Our Director

Lots going on at Leap of Joy this Spring.  On February 28, Leap of Joy will be joining nonprofits large and small for Amplify Austin Day. There are so many worthy charities participating. We are proud to be among them and we hope you will consider us on this day of giving.

Though not originally planned, on March 1 and still time to give, Leap of Joy will be hosting Eclectic Magic at the First Street Studios at 2400 E. First Street, Suite 202. It's a variety show where dancers and entertainers will perform on our behalf. $15 at the door with libations donated by Shade Tree Lemonade and others.

Of course, or big event this Spring is our 7th Annual Care to Dance with performances by students from our many schools. It will be held at Boyd Vance Theater at the Carver Museum on May 5. Be sure and mark your calendar Christian Nelson who has produced the last two event videos is with us again. In the meantime he’s visiting schools so we can update our website.

We are taking applicants for our Leap of Joy Dance and Theater Camp set for July 15. You can enroll your child at our website leapofjoy.org.

Happy Valentines and welcome Spring. I hope you can join us at our events and remember us during Amplify Austin.
Care to Dance is Coming Soon!

Our annual recital is coming up on May 5th, 2019 at Boyd Vance Theater. More details soon!
We were so excited when Christian Nelson dropped by Hart to do some filming! Keep an eye on https://www.leapofjoy.org for the launch of the new video!
And recently, our very own Miss Nina attended Barrington Career Day!
Leap of Joy is funded in part with support from these sponsors:
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