Summertime News


Things are Heating Up at Leap of Joy!

Our fourth annual Leap of Joy Summer Camp happened on July 15th-19th. We had a record 18 kids this year, with familiar faces and new ones as well! Our kids danced the week away, learned lots about healthy eating habits and closed the week out with a pool/pizza party and wonderful final performance. Check out our photos!
Care to Dance- Our 2019 Recital!
Missed Care to Dance 2019? Check out our official video from the event on Youtube!
We're Now on Amazon Smile!

Leap of Joy is pleased to announce that we are now a charity on Amazon Smile! 

Amazon Smile is a separate website with the same products and prices as their regular site--the difference being that if you shop through Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the profits for eligible sales to a charity of your choice, a list which now includes Leap of Joy! We're so excited for this!

All you have to do is go to to get started, and search for "Leap of Joy" when asked to pick your charity. That's it! All the prices and product availability is the same as the regular Amazon website. It's a wonderful way to give back to the community!

If you're already using Amazon Smile, you can change your charity by clicking on the drop down menu directly under the search bar on the main site. You can then search for Leap of Joy and select us!
Click Here To Get Started
A Note From Our Director
Things has quieted down since the summer camp ended - which was incidentally the best ever. This is the calm before everything picks up when school starts in a few weeks, so we're preparing during this breather to make the plans for fall.  

More than ever our schedule is filling up quickly. Many of our schools now want us four days a week and we are expanding into library classes too.

We're gearing up our Pre-K program too and Clay Moore, our Artistic Director, is headed to New York for a conference on dance programming in early childhood development. We're excited to find out what he's learning and sharing when he comes back. We are hiring qualified dance and theater teachers so spread the word.

Cross your fingers because we hope to be starting our Saturday classes in early September. Stay tuned.

Special thanks to all the contributors who gave to my birthday fund raising campaign on Facebook.  
We Need Teachers!
Are you or someone you know interested in joining the Leap of Joy family? We are now accepting applications for teachers for Fall--and it's looking to be a busy busy season! Apply Online or email [email protected].
Leap of Joy is funded in part with support from these sponsors:
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