Let it Go!


Issue #3


Come Join Us at Let It Go!

Two days until our fabulous Let It Go bazaar! Come join us at the High Road on Dawson this Saturday, Nov 10th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., where we'll have tons of new and unused jewelry, gifts, clothing, and folk art for sale. Simply fill a bag with what you want--all starting at $5!

This is a family-friendly event, with tons of activities including face-painting, an art area, a DJ, and food provided by Stubb's! We would love to see everyone stop by! All proceeds go to Leap of Joy's Caps & Mittens for Kids campaign, which aims to provide low-income youth with (you guessed it!) caps, mittens, socks, and even a little toy this winter season.

Want to see the kind of merchandise you'll find at Let It Go? We've got tons of pictures up on the official Leap of Joy blog.
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Can't Make it on Saturday?

If you're unable to come visit us on Saturday, please take a moment to consider donating. Leap of Joy is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping at-risk children in the Austin area.

A Note from Our Director

There’s fun for the whole family at Let It Go on Saturday with kids’ face painting, balloon hats and animals, an art space and an area just  for kids to fill their own bag that they can keep or donate to Leap of Joy kids.

Either way, great fun and bargains galore that you can’t believe as you fill your bag with treasures. Great shopping experience.

With the abundant rain and beautiful days, we forget that there will be cold days ahead. That’s why we are helping the kids and their families by providing the minimum:  caps, mittens, socks, a small toy or game and a treat. 

Kids love it and are so appreciative; it’s been a joy for me to be there to be a kind of Mrs. Santa.  It’s so easy to love these kids and their love energizes me.  As I tell them, the difference between me and a vampire is that I survive on hugs.  There is so much happiness in giving.  It’s sad that not everyone recognizes the feeling that comes from your heart. So we have our great event this Saturday and are launching our Go Fund Me, Caps & Mittens for Kids, this week.  

So much gratitude to have your support.  Happy Thanksgiving.
Caps & Mittens for Kids

Leap of Joy works within the Austin community to bring dance and theater to at-risk kids around town. Many of these children don't have access to basic necessities like hats for the upcoming winter. Our goal is to raise enough money to give more than 150 children within the community packages filled with caps, mittens, socks, and toys to get them through the winter.
LOJ Needs YOU!

We're still looking for volunteers for Saturday! If you don't want to shop, but want to contribute, volunteering would be so very much appreciated! Even if it's for an hour or so, it would be a HUGE help for us. If you're interested, please contact Judy at [email protected].
Leap of Joy is funded in part with support from these sponsors:
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